Turntable upgrade

I would like to upgrade my TT setup. Right now it consists of a Rega P6 with an Ania cartridge and a Rega MC FONO phono amp. Rogue RP-1(which I plan to upgrade to a RP-5v2) and a Parasound 2125v2. My speakers are AV123 Strata Mini's. 
I believe I want to upgrade to the Rega P8 tonearm, platter and possibly the P8 motor and pulley. I really do not like the look of the P8 or 10. I think upgrading to the P8 motor and pulley might not be possible, but I’m wondering if the tone arm and platter would make a big difference? My listening room is moving from a 25 by 20 room to a 15 1/2 by 12 1/2 foot room. Which I’m looking forward to because the other room was so big everyone’s crap wound getting dumped there.

Thanks for any suggestions or comments

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I agree the bottleneck is the Fono.

Get the best phono stage in your budget.

The P6 is a nice table and a good phono stage will make it rock!

I didn't know the Ania was bonded!  

An elliptical is good but I would try a Micro Line or something similar.

I would definitely upgrade the phonostage first. Even with an upgraded tt your current phono is still possibly your bottleneck. Good luck. 

I recently traded my VPI Scout table I’d had for years for a Pure Fidelity Harmony turntable with the Savant arm and Stratos cartridge. It’s paired with a Parasound JC3+ phono amp. I can’t believe the difference — the clarity, bottom end, and definition that this table provides is amazing. I can’t recommend the Pure Fidelity enough — check them out! 

Personally iwould keep.the table and upgrade the phono stage and amplifier the parasound is decent but you will be amazed by moving to a higher class of amplifier

Dave and Troy

AUDIO intellect NJ

Rega dealer/ former Parasound dealer