turntable recommendations

I'm currently running a rega rp6 with a groovetracer subplatter and a dynavector 20x2 cartridge.  I quite like it, but Upgradeitis has set in.    My goal is to get a  noticeable improvement without breaking the bank, say $5 K absolute tops.  I prefer new.    Based on my search to date, my current finalists are a rega p8 with apheta 3, or a dr. feikert volare with Origin silver mk3a tonearm and a hana ml.   Others I seriously considered are a clearaudio performance DC wood or a VPI prime, but with those I would have to put the Dynavector on it to stay under budget and it already has high hours on it.  None of these choices are available to demo in my area (Seattle) so I'm reaching out to my audiophile brethren for your experience, to better inform my decision.  

Showing 1 response by rwanda

Actually I would go to Hawthorne Audio in your area to hear the Rega P8 and see if it is an upgrade for you. Also, though not well represented in the US the Kuzma tables are really super.....but then you will have a hard time to try one.
Another option is the Vertere DG-1 which is in your budget and the distributor might allow you to audition in your system.