turntable recommendations

I'm currently running a rega rp6 with a groovetracer subplatter and a dynavector 20x2 cartridge.  I quite like it, but Upgradeitis has set in.    My goal is to get a  noticeable improvement without breaking the bank, say $5 K absolute tops.  I prefer new.    Based on my search to date, my current finalists are a rega p8 with apheta 3, or a dr. feikert volare with Origin silver mk3a tonearm and a hana ml.   Others I seriously considered are a clearaudio performance DC wood or a VPI prime, but with those I would have to put the Dynavector on it to stay under budget and it already has high hours on it.  None of these choices are available to demo in my area (Seattle) so I'm reaching out to my audiophile brethren for your experience, to better inform my decision.  

Showing 1 response by mammothguy54

@stantheman2   About 6 months ago I bought a Raga Planar 10 with Lyra Delos.  I also bought a better phono stage than what I had and chose the Manley Chinook.  This combination is fantastic!  I am amazed with the sound quality and mesmerizing effect every time I listen to it.  Should you end up going with either the Planar 8 or Planar 10 I can tell you that what you place them on will make a profound difference.  A flimsy foundation will not do well.  A solid foundation is critical.  I also highly recommend adding a Symposium Acoustics Segue platform.  I did, and also added the Rollerblock Jr+ and it made a significant improvement in bass definition.  It is a journey, no doubt, but these things can be added over time and as budget permits.  By all means, begin with a great turntable and cartridge.  You can upgrade to a superior phono stage and other items over time.  The phono stage, however, being the greatest upgrade so pay attention to that one first.  I hope this helps you.  In any event, do enjoy the journey and the music.