You must read my posts before answering to it ...😊 But you are right also i could have been more clear ... 😊
you addressed me and quoted someone else. If you are really trying to get personal and attack others, you should focus a little more, you are all over the map. (Not just in your personal attacks :) )
Even if we may think differently i respect you ...
This is my post beginnings which is an answer to hilde45 whose post i quote at the end ..I appreciated your sincerity ...
I commented about you sincerity expressing your opinion about me in the beginning ...But i was evidently speaking to hilde45...
Hilde45 is an hypocrit which as i said, you are not...
this is what i said :
Is an honest person who speak his mind about me and he will not harass me regularly as you did since you came here reading my posts and repeating the same arrogant patronizing spit for one year now ...
Hey! Patronizing corrector where in any thread in the last year did i harass you with critics ? go and gives us an exemple where i criticize you with no arguments and just as you do with me for a year patronizing about my posts incorrection ?
You did it toward me at repetition ?
I treated you with apology , congratulations and when i discussed with you i had my logical arguments not a harassing tactic...
How do we call someone stiring the pot others begun to stir for "politics reason" asking hypocritally for a filter option when it is simple to ignore his posts ?
We call him a hypocrit and a hurted child ....
Read Carlo Cipolla and say to me if the definition fit your tactic or me...
If it fit me i will quit audiogon forever ...Try it
some forum engines have a filter option, where you can (un)select users never to see their comments
@grislybutter Like mosquito netting. I like it. Also, helpful for screening out ad hominem attacks.
Is an honest person who speak his mind about me and he will not harass me regularly as you did since you came here reading my posts and repeating the same arrogant patronizing spit for one year now ... Even after you said you will not begin again in private but hate is such 😁 ... You repeated and repeated your critic on my posts NEVER answered my arguments on anything but harassed me by patronizing about my style and syntax ... As you said you are a corrector known around the world ..😁 Indeed and i believe you ...
You are so mean you trail now a person speaking his mind about me just to spit instead of attacking any arguments in my posts .. Small mind unwilling or unable to throw arguments..
I am not like you i can even approve some of your posts as i just did one week ago ... Unlike you i entertain no grudge or hate here againast anyone BUT I ANSWER to one who attack me on the spot ...
You are a small man ...
Nope, it’s not just you. We can all smell the landfill. Boy, it stinks, and no one can get a post in without it responding. Pestilent. I suggest we take the John Houseman approach in Paper Chase
the horror of your past political statements,
I dont remember saying political horrors being a rational mind...
Perhaps you projected on others your own limitation...
I see the purpose of posting here mainly for three reasons:
- asking a question
- answering a question
- sharing an experience relevant to the topic
repeating the same argument a 1000 times, mostly off-topic, with no relevance to the question or topic accomplishes nothing for me. But that’s just me. Nothing should prevent you from filling these threads with noise.
Check all my ouput posts and what you call "noise" could be a meaningful signals for another one ...If not why did i receive friendship by mail ?
They are "nuts" as i am for sure,😁 but this does not invalidate my point ...Signal and noise are relative to the receiver filters brain ...
You are free to pass over my posts instead on introducing new "noise" which is a signal to anyone else save to write your own complaint because i am not on the political side it seems you yourself said to me few posts ago, which side for you is the right one ...😊
I participated positively on many other threads you dont seems dare to go : as music experience , jazz, piano threads, classical threads, and many others which are not centered on indefinite gear impressions as solutions one after the other or c entered about a specific help question.. ...
Read these threads about music and sounds sum what i spoke about there and compared to your own input and say to me that all my posts compared to yours are mostly noise and yours signals ...I will give you a right : i spoke a lot ...Then dont read me it will be more easy than to analyse what i spoke about and you dont like because of my "political" opinion as you interpreted them ...😊
Come back after reading all my posts since january and describe your reading experience to me and listenings experience too because i proposed a tons of links about articles and books about music and sound and many music album+ philosophical reflection about sounds meanings and perceptions..
Now if you come here to read marketing piece of specific gear and users thousands dacs recommendation pass over my posts ... You are right i dont sell gear... I am noise because i sell creativity and music and acoustics interests ...😊
people upgrade and learn. Ignorant people upgrade and end up with no improvement in SQ (I have done that, I was and still am ignorant.). Why would anyone upgrade and be fine with no improvement though? It's a process. A journey. A FUN journey.
I agree with you here ...
But my fun was way more learning and experimenting than upgrading the gear...
We must stick with a system when we had reach synergy with the various pieces...
The fun for me begun there ...With experiments in the various installation aspects (mechanical electrical and acoustical )
If we are in constant upgrade race we had no time to install rightfully a chosen system...It takes me a few years of experiments to do so...
I cannot but only agree to a common place fact ...😊
Music dominates the audio world. You read what you want into it.
What about all the thread about costlier and way costlier upgrades ?
This is why i said marketting and ignorance replace basic knowledge never mind the system price ... As you i read what i want but also as i see ...
Why do you think i mentionned psychoacoustics and HRTF ?
Magister you might actually learn something new…. and BTW HRTF is…unique to each individual…
I mentionned it because some audiophile hypnotized by gear price tag do not even invest in a good dedicated room and more than that put more value in a very costlier dac upgrade than about inner ears measures and HRTF measures for a real high end system at relatively low cost...😁
Ignorance dominate audio world and price tags pilot the wave ...😂
Mahgister, Perhaps I misunderstand you but your agenda seems to be that one can make cheap gear sound as good as or better than very expensive gear, if one is possessed of a certain wisdom regarding room acoustics and other more superficial tweaks. I think one needs to have both kinds of skill, the skill to spend money (what exactly is worth the expenditure and what is not) and the skill to modify the room and judiciously apply a few tweaks (perhaps) to maximize the listening experience, which in the end is always going to be judged subjectively. But you also cannot turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse.
First : you put in my mouth a completely ridiculous claim, I never said that a low cost system as mine at 1000 bucks can beat a better designed and costlier system when this costlier system/room is UNDER CONTROL in the mechanical,electrical and acoustical working dimensions...
I said that a balance between all acoustics factors (i dont speak about mere room acoustic here ) can be optimised and must be optimised to reach a S.Q. level much better according to the system design range of possibilities for sure , modulo the controls over electrical,mechanical and acoustical working dimensions.
By the way the use of Hemlhotz resonators devices and principle are not a cheap tweaks. I dont buy tweaks. i created mine.
Second: Knowing why, how and with what piece of gear to upgrade imply no skill at all about money but imply learned concepts of acoustics with an (S) which most confuse with room acoustic parameters.
There is a subjective core to acoustics, but the objective appreciation and judgment of what is a good system/room is grounded in very precise concepts and parameters including our own ears measurement and HTRF ...
Then ....
A good system/room is a subjective impression but not so much as you think ...
It is true though that all my posts for 8 years now claimed that it is possible with basic knowledge to create a good system/room experience at relatively low cost between 1000 and 20,000 bucks , passed over a minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold if we learn how to do it...
I battle against upgrading race consumerism of people who are lazy and think S.Q. came from buying and only from buying and mostly from buying gear... it is FALSE... it is worst than false it is an half truth that misguide most people ...
Acoustics concepts rule audio ...Not price tags ... And dont reduce acoustics to room acoustic with a few wall panels here ...
Crosstalk is an acoustics concept...
Reverberation time is an acoustics concepts...
Timbre is an acoustics complex concepts ...
The take home lesson for audiophiles being sometimes there is a correlation between cost and quality, but not all the time.
There is for sure a non linear correlation between price tags (which are not cost) and design quality.. Not linear or as you said "not all the time".
But there is no correlation save a very loose one between acoustic perception of the system/room S.Q. and the price tags of the gear for many reasons linked to acoustics and psychoacoustics among others...
The most costly piece of gear is the room and it is the forgotten piece when audiophile spoke about S.Q. in their non dedicated room (living room ) . Or in a room with only a few panels... 😊
The "diminishing returns" theory is common, but false in my experience. How do you calculate the "10x better" of a properly set up $100,000 system compared to a $10,000 system?
the "diminishing returns" zone , because it is more a zone than a point is not a theory but a problem...
The point is a zone oscillating between two factors: a subjective psychoacoustics factors of evaluation and an objective refinement design factor of evaluation ...
it is clear if we understand the factors at play that this zone of evaluation exist ....
Then a 300,000 dollars turntable is an interesting design experiment but in no way an interesting piece of gear to own....
the reason is not only the zone problem of evaluation between money invested and acoustic experience real or virtual returns, but the reason is that a multimillions system is not a MODEL for audiophile...Nor the solution in general "per se" to our S.Q. problems and experience...
I dont bash high end gear saying this evident fact...😊
For almost every audiophiles the diminishing returns problem exist ...
Not for Bill gates who may call it a theory unfounded for him....Bill gates does not need to learn basic acoustics with homemade devices as i did he call the best acoustician in the world . He does not even need to study medecine he buy the WHO problem solved. 😊
I dont live on the same planet ...
A 300,000 turntable is a technological feat asking for an acoustic room of many million dollars and for an amplifier and speakers of stratosopheric price... It is an experiment in acoustic design not the model we can imitate ...
And as i said acoustics rule audiophile experience not gear price tags....
This does not means that gear price tags had no real acoustic potential added value nor any improving quality meaning...For sure they are....
At the end , an audiophile who study basic acoustic in my opinion is less ignorant than one who bought 45 amplifiers but never experiment with acoustics ( it is not only room acoustic) ...
Gear choices and price matter for synergy and improvement but it is for nothing if we dont know how to install and embed a system in his mechanical,electrical and acoustical basic working dimensions...
The rules of acoustics dont change with the gear price tag... Is it not common sense ?
I can enjoy Bach in a bad car radio...
But i need to hear the church acoustic out of my head with my headphone or the speakers filling the room out of my head if i use headphone...
I used acoustics to modify them and optimize them ...
No need to any knowledge to enjoy music...
But i wanted to have audiophile experience without breaking my low budget... i succeeded because i am retired and do it full time few years ... Anybody can if he invest time studying and experimenting with the right chosen gear for sure ...
i dont know any low cost headphone i could enjoy save the one i optimized...
We must pick the right gear to begin with, not necessarily the costlier one; the gear we can optimize and modify...
i am not interested in car mechanics at all but i was fascinated by acoustics not mere room acoustic all acoustics knowledge for sure ... ( my wife drive the car by the way 😊 )
@mahgister I appreciate your response. To each there own, I can enjoy music or a car without knowing all the details of how they work.
I hear differences in systems and understand it’s my individual preference. I can enjoy a record without knowing all the details of how the cartridge, tonearm and phono stage work.
I am an avid car enthusiast and driver, I can’t do a break job. I can detail them and exploit their mechanical grip.
It is not so simple division as that :
@mahgister knowledge on how something works is not the same as using/enjoying it.
A trivial common place fact distinction is useless here . Sorry... 😁
it takes me 6 months at full time to understand how work the AKG K340 headphone hybrid complex design and modify it to reach ectasy ...understanding matter sorry ...
Embeddings mechanical,electrical and acoustical controls devices are not gadgets we could buy only and in all case, we can and must make our own sometimes and they ask for basic understanding... ( i created my own shielding plate )
I modified my small speakers porthole because i understand Helmholtz resonators perhaps better than the Chinese designer who anyway had no choice because of cost selling them with no bundle of various tubes size, some 3 feet length behind the small speakers to improve them immensely as i did (50 hertz clear and no distortion with a 4 inches woofer ) ... 😊
I modified the not so well designed waveguide too ...
Max Verstappen is not an expert in engineering but he is a multiple time Formula 1 Champion.
What’s wrong with someone ’outsourcing’ the expertise in design and implementing a wonderful audio system?
Here you misread my posts i admired any designer of High end as such... I did not admired people who use price tags for definition of audiophile experience ...
It’s awesome you enjoy your system. Do you think they enjoy it any less because they don’t understand the technical details that create the music they enjoy?
To enjoy any system we can read the price tag and call it job done and sleep with the music...
my definition of enjoying imply basic acoustic knowledge and consciousness ... Why ? Because without it we cannot be conscious of the objective reason why we enjoy the S.Q. save for the price tag and others opinion about the gear...
I need to understand what is "timbre" , transients, listener envelopment, sound source width, crosstalk negative impact, reverberation time, absorption and reflective ratios and diffusion effects , location of tuned resonators, and ionization and schumann generators impact etc etc etc ...
I need to understand concretely with my ears the varying parameters i could control to increase my joy to reach full consciouness about the optimal experience with any design i can buy ...
Buying upgrades is not my definition of audiophile hobby...
Creativity+basic concrete knowledge of acoustics is ...
Now i listen music a new hobby of mine satisfied with no frustration at all in spite of the limitations of my system which work optimally at his highest level this was make possible by my past hobby in acoustics...I did not need to buy 100,000 bucks of gear to reach minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold ... Trust me the maximal threshold cost a lot more ...
i dont understand some people logic....
They dream about 300,000 bucks turntable and amp with o.000000000000000 % distortion...😁
But they never spoke about the more important multiple ways acoustics parameters aspects of the system/room/ears are the FIRST and LAST factor that matter the most ...
Gear branded names and price tags matter because they think the "plane" must be idolized as a god making sound as some tribes who paid the price for it to come back in their "room" .... 😊
I was accused to bash high end because i claimed that a 300,000 turntable is useless for anyone in audio... At best it is an experimental very interesting device for sure or one that can be sold to our philantropist virus expert and expert in injection by syringe or mosquitoes you know who ...😊
I concur with 
You are lucky...
Oliver Sacks taught us a lot because neurological problems may be very specific in individual case and impossible to describe if not by a mini novel describing the patient life ... I admire him and his books are very precious to me...
the episode you alluded to was put in movie which i will remember with his book forever...
When I was in medical school, we did our neurology at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, where I think Oliver Sachs was on staff and where work was done using dopamine to treat “frozen” Parkinson’s Disease patients, who were at that time thought to have a form of chronic encephalitis associated with the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.
The Tourette touch was more mine ...😊
none of my aspergers friends or autists were Tourette ..
By the way we all of us must read astonishing description of Tourette in Oliver Sacks masterpiece : "the man who mistook his wife for a hat "...
One of the great life changing book we can read ...All his others books are on par almost...
Try to read it my friend if you dont know it already ....
The chapter on the Reagan Election at the TV commented by two different groups of people with heavy neurological problem but reverse problem for each group is amazing,...
One of the best book i ever read and i read a lot ... That was my job...
I will add Alexander Luria book about Vienamin a Russian dude with a memory WITHOUT limits. Luria i read it when i was 20 years old. He was the master of Sacks...
The book of Luria surpass any S.F novel and his an accurate description day to day of the life of someone who CANNOT forget anything at all and without any limit about what is memorized. Luria tested him for many decades and study him as a case in neurology... Sacks had read him young and inspired embarked in his own amazing journey in clinical neurology case description ...
"Asperger Erudite" ...that’s back-of-a-shirt worthy.....*L*
...followed by "with a touch of Tourette’s.....😏 ;)
My comment was on wealth bashing. I have had the privilege of working with a lot of folks that could afford a $300K turn table if they wanted one. Obviously, most do not. But as a group, these are incredibly intelligent and hard working people who’s commitment to their jobs completely dominates their lives. When I talk about intelligent, I am not kidding…
I feel the same freedom with a relatively modest income and total control on my work job... ( no boss) Then income had nothing to do with intelligence... one of the most intelligent people i encountered were poor and asperger erudite folks with NO AMBITION in society only in understanding ...
People must not be bashed anyway wealthy or not ...😊
Then i am with you on this...
But we are on an audiophile forum i oppose any opinion linking S.Q. to gear price linear scale and promoting gear upgrade race... Acoustics and common sense for all is my motto...Budget dont matter ...knowledge acquisition matter ...
Hense my comment that from their perspective (if they chose to be vindictive for the criticism ) everyone would look ignorant and in poverty.
And i dont think that rich people bash less fortunate people in money stash as "ignorant" because they are "poor" and cannot afford this turntable ... Most effective gadget are only that more effective gadget ...
I am not ignorant about the way to give to myself a good experience with any system... Mine is low cost but i will do the same with my basic knowledge with any more effective system by design at any price... 😊 Because i learned how to do it... Upgrading without knowing the basic is real ignorance in most cases save for an evident synergy incompatibility ...
Knowledge had no relation with money and even with gear branded name experience...but for sure a dude able to own a top dedicated acoustic room as mike lavigne will surpass any experience of mine even if i had the same gear in my living room ... Thats my point ...
Acoustics rules not money ...
But being ghprentice you know already all that... I repeat it for the sake of others ...
It seems i am not clear in english...😊
I did not have contempt at all for anybody able to buy hyper costly audio product near 1 million bucks...I say that to be clear...
On the opposite i want an invitation to listen to his system...😊
I dont want to judge people on their bank account( save those who claim to be philanthopist when in many cases it is false Gates being with Rockfeller evident case of hypocrisy)
Is it clear ?😊
But i refuse the audiophile propaganda linking linearly S.Q. with price tags marketing idiotic race to upgrades without end which is used to separate those who knows pieces of gear branded name and those who do not then naming them "poor and ignorant" ...
my point is simple: ONLY ACOUSTICS concepts and parameters controls can give us TOP experience relatively proportional for sureto the gear pieces design quality and synergy ... ( acoustics here is NOT MERE room acoustic by the way, we must open an acoustics book to understand this point, if someone do not understand at all the timbre concept dimensions at play how can he could improve it at optimal cost and for the optimal result, not understanding what to do next ? ) ..
The problem is not our freedom to buy anything...You missed the point...
The problem is calling "poor and ignorant" any audiophile who care more about basic knowledge than obsessive consumerism...Inducing this obsessive behaviour conditioned by marketers, this erroneous idea that price tags define audiophile people journey as an endless race, instead of the wise search for a good sound when listening music by studying very basic acoustics concepts that define all aspects of sound as we must perceived them in balance with one another in a room ...
Balance of acoustics factors exist for any system at any price. This does not means that my systems at low cost even very well balanced and satisfying will rival all costlier system, their comparison will be related to many acoustics parameters which must be experienced and not merely to the price of each pieces of gear as a sum of money...
Ignorance is the main state in general in any group of people. Audiophiles are not an exception. But my moto is we can learn. 😊
«I can buy »--Bill Gates
«Nobody buy Knowledge »--Anonymus philosopher
I dont bash high cost turntable no more than i bash any high end system...
Do you know how to read a post in context?
I contradict someone who think that a turnatable of 300,000 dollars is a piece of gear we must buy if we have the money instead of a toy Gates could buy ...
I answered to this :
From their point of view perhaps you are the fool living in ignorance and poverty.
What is audiophile knowledge cannot be bought... It must be learned by experiments and studying , the electrical,mechanical and acoustical basics ...
Poverty is not only about the money purse... Thats my point answering this sentence..
Where do i bash high end product here ?
anybody can buy the gear he want if it is for the better... But basic audio knowledge had nothing to do with price tags . NONE ...When knowledge is there we can use for the best any system...This is knowledge...Not the gear price...
We are here to enjoy music in the best relative acoustic conditions according to our purse for sure... But calling ignorant and poor someone who can afford a high end piece of excessively high price is meaningless..
Acoustics rule audio design not price tags.
If my neighbour because he can buy one, buy a formula One car to go to work and say to me over our garden fence smiling looking at my car that i am the one ignorant and poor because i cannot buy one , what do you think i will answer? Do you think my answer will be a bashing of the formula One design and cost ?😊
By the way i know that ghdprentice Is a wise guy and will never call Ignorant and poor someone unable to afford this turntable. But Bill Gates will ...I answered him...
By the way thinking that ONLY money for buying gear can give us a TOP audio system is not even wrong... Knowledge is more useful in all aspects thats my point ..
«The text must be read on the paper context not from your brain biases»-- Anonymus reader 🕶
Do you think i am a fool living in ignorance and poverty because my basic system optimized is 1000 bucks value seriously ?
I replied because your post suppose that experimenting a new piece of gear is knowledge...But buying a new car is not mechanical knowledge even if someone buy a formula1...
Knowledge will be learning everything about the car not buying it ...
The same is true for turntable and acoustics...
Bill Gates for example buying gear instead of learning basic acoustic himself because he had no time to do it and keeping his system at the highest gear cost possible would be in my opinion the fool living in ignorance and poverty of thinking because of obsessive greed and compulsive idea ( which idea could it be here apart for buying 300,000 turntable ? ) ... 😁
Anyway Gates will buy the best acoustician on earth for sure to match the turntable...
My answer is obsession for turntable at this price is ignorance if not poverty in money it is poor thinking ...
By the way i did not doubt this turntable is a good one ...😉
If I had a price no object system I would definitely have a listen to it. Just because you don’t have the money doesn’t mean someone who does is a fool. From their point of view perhaps you are the fool living in ignorance and poverty.