Turntable motor voltage issue?

My 20yo (1999) Sony PS-LX250H motor is not turning on its own, but I can easily turn it by hand. On the motor's side, the label says it is a 9.12Vdc motor. When I measure the input on it, it gets only 8.3Vdc. Am I doing this right? (I'm a total noob when it comes to electrical stuff.) Would the voltage drop be the cause of why the motor is not turning? Please see attached images. Any ideas on what could be causing the problem? Thank you.Motor



Showing 1 response by thadson

I have looked and didn't see any place to unplug the motor wires.preamp top

preamp bottom

Also since I had to look closer, I noticed that there are burning signs on the motor circuit board where the square black component (which could be an SRC, if my Googling is right) is attached.
