Turntable Mat question

I read a turntable Mat comparison which mentioned that although there are many different choices,
some audiophiles will use LP Records as a mat
What is your opinion about this ?

Showing 3 responses by rocky1313

Hi ...Thank you for all your responses. 
Atmosphere ...I would like to ask you about using record for record mat.
You said that using an LP for record mat is trickier but should be the same hardness as traditional record mat. I have tried it ...sounds good.
Am I losing anything sound wise ?
Thanks Ralph
It has been suggested that I post the type turntables that I have..
I have :
          Technics  SL 1600
           Pioneer PL 122D belt drive
           Yamaha P350
            Rotel RP 9400
I read this article about Mats which stated that LP Records were being used for mats and this surprised me....this is the reason for my post asking for opinions .
Ralph....in response to your latest post, I need clarification ...I am confused....explain complementary mat shape   
since the record is the same size as the platter and being used as a mat,both mat and record are same size and shape.Please explain
Thank you