Turntable Isolation

Im looking for an isolation base for my VPI Signature 21. My listening room is over my garage and a times my footfalls cause the table to skip. What have you used that works? 


Showing 3 responses by elevick

I have a Townsend under my Sota and nothing can make it skip.  Expensive solution though.


You will enjoy the Townsend.  I have a bunch of those cork/rubber blocks.  They are OK...but in a different league.  And I also have the maglev platter on my table and it's all on a Salamander rack.  A bit of overkill.

Happy Listening

Knownothing, I haven't played with the Mapleshade system.  I'm sure it's in the same price realm as a Townsend but a lot bulkier and way flashier looking.  Those cork & rubber blocks are ok but most of mine sit unused.

Mijostyn-Hanging a table, really?  Swinging in the wind...  You would love my Sota, bring a bowling ball and pins.  See if you can get it to skip.  I dare you.