Turntable height

This may be irrelavant, immaterial, or just personal choice but is there an accepted norm, or preference, for the height above floor for the record playing surface? For sonics, convenience of use, ease on the back, etc. Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by dougdeacon


There was actually a serious (SERIOUS I say!) discussion of this question on the Teres owners forum. You guys think you're the ultimate geeks? Hah!

The strong concensus is that, all else being equal, lower is better because a lower stand is more stable than a taller one.

Of course all else is never equal, especially when lower back pain is involved. YMMV.
Does that apply to wall mounts as well? Thanks.
It certainly should, but don't forget the caveat, "All else being equal." Corners, including wall/floor intersections, are often favorite meeting places for LF standing waves. I'd experiment with any such location before building something permanent there.

Teres is Latin for, "rounded, smooth, polished or elegant". Sounds like a good name for a fine single malt!