turntable choice

I'm finally entering turntable land so I can finally hear the several hundred records i have owned for years.

My choices are Project carbon around 400. or the new NAD tables starting at 450. I'm leaning towards the project because i have seen some open box specials for about 350.

I know this is the low end of the audiophile spectrum but I appreciate any opinions you might have. Do NOT want to spend more than 400.00

thank you!

Showing 1 response by johnnyb53

In 2013 I went to an audio store to audition some speakers. I took along a recent MoFi Sinatra remaster/reissue. The store's LP playback system was a Pro-Ject Carbon (before the "DC" improvement) played through Naim electronics (phono stage and integrated amp). I was mightily impressed with the sound. I'm sure the electronics had something to do with it, but the Pro-Ject was up to the task and the Naim electronics showed it at its best.

Soon afterword, an audiobuddy told me he was in the market for a better (budget) turntable and I recommended the Pro-Ject Carbon. He bought the upgraded Carbon DC version and was really happy with the results.