Turntable advice-thorens questions

Hello! I'm looking at some of the restored Thorens units here for sale in the $1500.00 range. My question is-am I going to get the most bang for my buck by doing this or should I be looking at a new unit? Right now I have a fairly nice 2 channel system I have around $12k invested, so something that will do justice to my $$ spent.
Thanks for your advice.

Showing 3 responses by bifwynne

Agree with Prcinka and Viridian. You must decide if you want to collect old TTs or a modern TT that will handle modern cartridges and so forth.

I started in vinyl with a rehabed old Thorens. It was nice, but I ultimately wound up with a VPI Classic.

As I've mentioned before in other threads, I had some problems finding a cartridge that worked well with the VPI JMW unstabilized uni-pivot arm. But after some false starts, I settled on the VPI Zephyr. In any case, VPI isn't the only good modern TT. The question you need to answer for yourself is do you want a collectors piece or a modern TT that can handle modern hi-end cartridges.

Good luck.
Nandric, if one carefully shops, they can pick up a used VPI Classic for just a little more than $1500. Any preference or views about the "old" LP-12 versus the "new" VPI Classic??
Jeremy, regrettably, I can't share your take on VPIs. I own the Classic (w/ Classic 3 arm), The da*n thing is built like a tank. Put treads, a 125mm cannon on it and voila, it's an Abrams main battle tank.

The main platter weighs 18 lbs and the motor is firmly attached to the plinth. No vibrations that I can detect. Customer support is 120%.

My problem is with the design of the unstabilized uni-pivot arm. It's a bitch to set up (mostly azimuth) and a bitch to get some cartridges to work. See my threads on this issue. HOWEVER, once set up is done and once you get a cartridge that works, the da*n thing sings. And, since I've screwed around with the set up so much now, I can do it in my sleep.

One day, I may try slapping on a used Graham arm to see what happens. But that's tomorrow's project. IMHO FWIW!