Turntable Advice Needed

I am looking to move my existing Rega RP3 to a secondary system and upgrade to a new turntable for my primary system. Current setup is a Plinius Hiato integrated with Dynaudio Contour 3.4 speakers. I stream via an Innuous Zenith server and a Lumin T2 streamer. I am extremely happy with the sound I am getting from this setup but think a turntable upgrade might be in order. Since I’ve had the Rega P1 and P3 my first thought was to just upgrade to the new P6. As I know nothing about the “sound” of different turntables I really don’t know what I might be missing. I’m not a big tweaker but just want something that sounds good.  Spending range is probably in the $1,500 -$2,500 range and I will also need a phono preamp. I can be persuaded to spend a bit more but am looking for the best sound/value ratio I can find. I’ve read in some threads that Rega lacks a bit in bass but I really don’t have anything to compare it to.

I would very much appreciate any thoughts/advice folks might be willing to share.

Many thanks

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Showing 6 responses by jtsnead

1K more Dr Feickert Volare so much better than anything in the same price range. If you are near MD I know a dealer that has it on display.                 http://www.feickert.org/index.php?id=34&L=1
Setting up the 3d arm is not fun and you also need the 2and pivot piece and the Soundsmith thing you put on the weight for azimuth to make the arm usable it's just to hard compared to other arms I've had. I think enough people complained then they came out with the gimbal version. I also had a hard time getting feedback from being transmitted through the table, you have to have a really good base under the table at additional cost to avoid feedback like woofer pumping etc.. the metal unipivot arms are better though.
@puppyt congratulations Dr Feikerts are one of the best turntable lines. I did not mention that my friend is a dealer here in Maryland hope you not close to us because he would of liked to sell the Volare to you and I would of set it up for free since that is what I do for him along with helping out at shows. The Jelco is a great arm you cansee my 850M 10" on the back of my Blackbird, see my moniker
@puppyt Really good move as a Blackbird owner the Feickert tables are one the most neatral with a solid foundation to take advantage of any upgrades you make. I went from a Triplanar VII SE to a Thales Simplicity II tonearm and it was noticeable improvement. I just put on a Delos also, if you are on FB look up Dr Feickert USA and you will find my group just ask to join - Enjoy The Ride