
I`d like an opinion from my right on target forum members😊  I want a better T/T my present T/T is the Ariston RD40 with a Rega 300 arm. the cart is a very in expensive Ortofon mm cart.  My budget is 3k. I`m looking at a used Sota Nova or a new Sota Sapphire-V welcoming suggestions please." HAPPY HOLIDAYS"


Showing 2 responses by sbank

@sheridanmartinj @mijostyn is an extremist (in a good way 😉) and obviously didn't see your $3K budget. But he does raise a good point that the Eclipse/Condor can be added later when budget fits for that. 

As a Nova VI owner, I almost jumped on a series V, but learned from Donna at Sota that the new VI series improvements are NOT all available on the V and older tables. That led me to wait for a new VI, and live with a lower cost arm for now. I want to leverage Sota's long term upgradeability and with a VI, you should be compatible with any improvements likely to come in the next decade or so. 

If there are any refurb VI series available that would be smart. Another option is to ask her if there are any B-grade plinths available. I saved ~$200 getting a walnut plinth with a tiny imperfection that you can barely see if looking for it! Cheers,

My advice: Call Donna! Cheers,
