Turning lead into gold ?

Ok I'll admit a lot of stuff we read about makes this claim,but how often are we less than satisfied by the results?

I'd make a wild guess and say that most of the time what we hope will make a huge improvement to our sound,never does ,or at least not to the extent we wished for.

Perhaps that's because most of us are not privileged to do a review of the gear in question with components that can reveal such improvements.

To put it simpler,move up to a better turntable, such as the SME10, Sme V arm,and pop in a brand new pricey cartridge and audio nirvana should be a given.

And I would agree, I've just done that.
Moved up to the SME10,SME V combo.
Not the brand new pricey cartridge however.

Where things have taken a turn is that while waitng for my new upgraded cartridge to arrive,I've had to sink a few levels low and resort to an old, well worn Grado Platinum.

This I thought would be like putting re-treads on a Porsche, and about as foolish as one can get.

Who has ever read any review of an arm or turntable where the reviewer ever used anything but the very best most pricey cartridge available?
Mikey are ya lisning?

But hey when you can eat steak everyday of the week, why settle for a hot dog if you don't have to?

So by all accounts the component in review has a best case scenario for a great review.
Most times this is the case, but some stellar casts of all star performers have been turkeys at the box office ,we've all been privy to these.

But I digress.

What I found out when I had to use the old Grado, was that, I didn't think the sound was bad at all.
It was much better than I had expected, and the new cartridge for 6 times the price should be a game changer, or it better be.

Surprisingly, I never heard in past tables and arms how good that Grado was.
It was always an entry level item, a step along the way,to a much better sounding one.
Or so I always thought.

I now have a new found respect for this old cartridge, and also for how great the Sme combo is.

So the whole point of this is to not just pass some time on a rainy day, like I'm doing with the SME/Grado combo.

It's to point out that the measure of greatness isn't just when all the moons align in perfect sync.

It's when you can add something less than stellar to an all star cast and not feel any less impressed by the performance.

Will the new MC cartridge outperform the Grado?
My guess is yes,and I'll be impressed,but that's just what the reviewers would tell you also, so no news there.

What impresses me most about the SME combo is not that it will make a two grand cartridge sound good, but that it has made a well worn $300.00 one sound so good.

Lead into gold?

Showing 2 responses by oilmanmojo

Cartridges do need a little break in to reach full sonic potential. Also, you will need to optimize the SRA and VTF for the new cartridge. What is the " new " MC?
understand better what you are saying. I used to use a dual 721 for many years with a shure cartridge, sansui reciever and (dont laugh) bose 601 speakers. For a young guy with limited funds, (though the dual was a pretty pricey in its day)I was very proud of the system and it did not sound "bad". This was back in the mid to late 70's and then hear a set of Klipsch Lascala and Klipschorns in two different systems, one with a technics table and one with a thorens and just got blown away. sure i heard pretty good "club" systems with JBL's but for a home system, the klipsh speakers just was so much more than the bose. (the 601's had two 6 inch woofers and 4 tweeters) After that i upgraded my speakers, (got an intial set of Klipsch kg6.6) and from there i have continually upgraded my system to the current version. I do recognize the differences between the entry level equipment and the mid fi and hi fi equipment. When i finally got a michell gyrodec and my first MC cartridge i once again was "blown" away with the upgrade. Then i got an old vandersteen MC step up that boosted my old rotel phono stage and got to play around with cartridge loadings and once again got a big boost from my old MC cartridge. I do have my final system (only because i am old enough that i got to think about retirement and that "fixed income thing") . I know there are probably better systems than my Marantz amp, Maplenoll Apollo, zyx UNIverse, ZYX phono stage and Klipschorn speakers but i love the sound and now really focus on the music and tweaking my maplenolls. (they are tweakers paradise) Now interestingly, maplenolls are full of lead. so i guess i made lead into gold!