Turn table for my kid???

My daughter just told me she wants a turn table. That thought really excites me because I hope she eventually loves music as much as I do.  Additionally, I've been thinking of getting into vinyl myself but haven't for fear of the money pit it will become like the rest of my audio endeavors.

So it looks like I can start this journey together with my kid.  Cool.  My question then is what's a good entry level tt?  I assume I will need to get a phono pre, etc?  I would much prefer one that is as self contained as possible.  Ideally I would be able to just connect some speakers to it or connect it directly into my integrated amp. Please take it easy on a vinyl noob.

Thank you and happy new year!
Anybody own a U-Turn Orbit and can speak from experience?  I ask because I think back of when I had the Pro-ject Carbon Debut and could not understand the rave reviews, after using the turntable.  I thought that the Audio Technica 120LP offered a better product and value.

Whatever you do don't get them a Crosley turntable. Whenever I see those pieces of garbage I cringe. I was at Best Buy returning some stuff and saw the  Denon DP-300F turntable for $200. Why not just get them that TT and call it a day. If they don't like it they can return it to Best Buy and it won't cost them much.
Don't discount used. Lots of great old and slightly newer turntables to be had. Your original post seems to indicate this will be hooked up to your system for now. Will she one day want her own setup? What do wish to spend on this endeavor?  
lenmc2964, That would be a great start up table. He needs tell us what his budget really is though. So many options.....but what does he wish to spend?