Turn table for my kid???

My daughter just told me she wants a turn table. That thought really excites me because I hope she eventually loves music as much as I do.  Additionally, I've been thinking of getting into vinyl myself but haven't for fear of the money pit it will become like the rest of my audio endeavors.

So it looks like I can start this journey together with my kid.  Cool.  My question then is what's a good entry level tt?  I assume I will need to get a phono pre, etc?  I would much prefer one that is as self contained as possible.  Ideally I would be able to just connect some speakers to it or connect it directly into my integrated amp. Please take it easy on a vinyl noob.

Thank you and happy new year!

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

Whatever you do don't get them a Crosley turntable. Whenever I see those pieces of garbage I cringe. I was at Best Buy returning some stuff and saw the  Denon DP-300F turntable for $200. Why not just get them that TT and call it a day. If they don't like it they can return it to Best Buy and it won't cost them much.