Tuning speaker / room response?

I finally did an experiment this afternoon to check out my speaker and room response. The graph below shows the results:

I got this using the Stereophile Test CD 2 tracks 15 through 18 using my system. The first one provides pink noise, the others give warble tones at the various center frequencies shown in the chart.

A Radio Shack SPL meter, in fast mode, C weighted, was used to to capture SPL levels. The meter was in the 80dB range. As C weighting rolls of above 10kHz, I did not show the rest of the spectrum.

Now this does not look all that flat to me, but I have never done this before. Can anyone give me an opinion on how good or bad this looks?

Also, it looks to me like a little room tuning might help. Anyone have any suggestions as to where to start with this?


Showing 1 response by sean

You need to take into account that the RS meter is not REAL accurate in the first place. There is a list of corrections that need to be factored in before you start "gutting" your room, buying room treatments, moving your speakers, etc... I can't seem to find the website that posted this info nor the sheet that i printed out with the specific corrections. Once i can locate either one of them, i will post it here unless someone beats me to it. Sean