Tune of the Day

"Blue Rondo a la Turk"  on the Two Generations of Brubeck album.  Wow.

There are many fine versions of this tune, but this one gets me dancing, clapping, fist-pounding, whatever, every time....and it's not easy to dance in, what, 9/8?  I love tunes that grow, build, develop, and move through changes.  This one just picks me up and takes me right along with it.  Great melding of jazz and rock idioms, too.  It's fun to imagine Dave Brubeck setting the groove and then sitting back to hear where his kids and their friends take it. 

You can continue exploring Dave and the kids on Two Generations of Brubeck, "The Great Spirit Made Us All".  And Chris Brubeck's rock/jazz band Sky King on "Secret Sauce".

For extra credit, give a "spin" to Chase, "Bochawa" from their last album, Pure Music.

Anyway, that's my two cents today.


Showing 50 responses by slaw


by the way, I own the SHEL cd even though I have no cd player in my home system. I was so struck by them after seeing them on tv, I purchased the cd.

Excellent choice! One of the lps I've listened to today was SL.

Here's another: :Heaven's Only Days Down The Road".

Happy Listening!
America "Cornwall Blank"


I listened to Molly Hatchet "Live" over the weekend.
Based on the above two recommendations, I pulled out my Saga "Heads or Tales" from my "to sell" pile. Haven't listened in decades.
"In The Mausoleum"  off the new Chuck Prophet lp, Bobby Fuller Died for Your Sins. May not be out for streaming yet but this is a FUN tune!

Happy Listening!
Kansas  "Miracles Out of Nowhere"

Haven't listened in years.. still holds up, Wow!
As long as it's a good tune, I'll add another...

Grand Funk Railroad "Black Licorice"
I have a lp that has been long forgotten.

Why, I really don't know. How.. maybe because of the time in which they peaked?

Creed "Human Clay".

The lp title is awesome! The frontman/singer has the chops!

So, why, no love????????

This is my homage to Creed. Give it another chance?
I have several, but acknowledging I overtook yesterday....

Eels  "I Like Birds"

Music is why I'm in this. These music recommendations are invaluable.

Jackson Browne.. Thanks for this,...I have a 12'' / 45rpm of "The Road Out/Stay. The sonics are great! I'm going to put it on now thanks to you're mentioning this artist.

Happy Listening.
...another positive outcome..

I have been looking for my ELP "Brain Salad Surgery" lps,(4) since Greg's death. Could not find them. I put them in the B's (for Brain) instead of the E's.

Happy Listening!
I've several I'd love to post but I found one that maybe is forgotten and surely a blast from the past.

Duran Duran "New Religion".

Listening to it made me think that there is what may seem to be early (rap) going on, that we did not notice at the time? It's a fun and quite good tune. Check it out. 
"Farewell Transmission"  Jason Molina

(Glen Hansard's cover is excellent as well).
Decided to pull out an oldie but goodie..

John Mellencamp "The Face of the Nation"
Ok people,

I've listened quite a bit this weekend, I've made recommendations, etc..

I desired a lp that would take me places I needed to be in order to (wrap) up my weekend..

I found it in Glen Hansard's tribute to Jason Molina .."It Was Triumph We Once Purposed.."

The 1st song.. "being In love" really sets the tone..

I'm now in heaven!

Please seek this on out.
