Tubes vs. SS

I recently made the move to a tube pre-amp, a Rogue 66 Magnum. I had been using an Anthem TLP-1 with my Anthem MCA20 (solid state) and just wanted to check out the tube world.
I fired it up for the first time last night and listened for a short time. The source was a newer CD, a collaboration with Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker and a couple others, the title of which escapes me. The sound was different, but I couldn't tell how much I liked it.
What I'd like to ask of anyone else who has made the move from ss pre to tube pre is, what were the things/changes that you noticed?
You know, the strings sounded such, or vocals sounded thus, imaging was whatever or the soundstage changed???
I understand that the listening experience is unique for everyone. I'm just seeking some landmarks so to speak and, of course, some opinions.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by saki70

I have to agree with Mechans !

I have auditioned different combinations of SS and tubed equipment . If you want to know what tubes sound like you have to do the amp AND the pre ! I have and do suggest that if one wants to experiment , just get a decent integrated and try it . You will probably spend about the same amount and get a TRUE feel for what tubes can do for the presentation .
Once you do that you can then tailor the sound to your particular taste and partnering equipment by rolling the tubes .

For me , tubes bring a sense of life to the music . Something that I have not been able to find with SS equipment costing multiples of my little integrated . And some these SS components are considered to be warm with a
"tube like" sound . But they had no heart ! It is hard for me to describe what tubes do . I could not describe it to the various dealers that I talked to . But when I heard that first all tube presentation I knew that it was what I had been looking for .

Different strokes for different folks !

Good luck .