Tubes vs. SS

I recently made the move to a tube pre-amp, a Rogue 66 Magnum. I had been using an Anthem TLP-1 with my Anthem MCA20 (solid state) and just wanted to check out the tube world.
I fired it up for the first time last night and listened for a short time. The source was a newer CD, a collaboration with Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker and a couple others, the title of which escapes me. The sound was different, but I couldn't tell how much I liked it.
What I'd like to ask of anyone else who has made the move from ss pre to tube pre is, what were the things/changes that you noticed?
You know, the strings sounded such, or vocals sounded thus, imaging was whatever or the soundstage changed???
I understand that the listening experience is unique for everyone. I'm just seeking some landmarks so to speak and, of course, some opinions.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by jfz

Just to pick up only on the "coloration issue": one of my high priorities in a component is how much color it reveals in music (e.g., variety of color, intensity of color, harmonic information, etc). My personal opinion is that this is an area where the best tube preamps have traditionally excelled. Another personal opinion is that SS preamps have come a *very* long way in this regard. I'm "with" Dcstep then; i.e., that the very best tube and SS preamps (as defined solely using my criteria) sound quite a bit alike.