Tubes to solid state for amplifier path...

If the Summers get too hot for your main tube rigs, what is your relief for those humid hot days when you want tunes? Do you have a solid state cool alternative?

Would Class A be 'out of one frying pan and into another' in terms of heat generation during extended listening periods?

I have not owned a class A solid state before. Nor have I spent any significant amount of time in front of one.

Any suggestions/thoughts?
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Showing 1 response by dpac996

Your Pass will not run any cooler when it "switches", er I mean, leaves class A and transitions into B. What an interesting thread as I'm taking the digital plunge and trying a bel canto S300. My ARC VT100MKII is currently out of service at the moment (re-tube, patiently waiting for tubestore to restock 6550C; btw upscale deserted ARC VT owners, for no *real* reason; therefore I suspect the tubes may be questionable to begin with and the ARC VT's bear that out but, more than likely, whoever is re-tubing/biasing is not doing it properly).
I live in Virginia and summers can be quite toasty. Even with a good central AC our townhouse seems like it struggles to stay cool on those 95 degree humid as @#$@# days. The tube amp will only make matters a bit more toasty. I will not be going to solid state for the preamp though, as this is where most of the magic comes from.