TUBES -- Telefunken OR Mazda 12AX7

Please offer your opinion. I am upgrading the input tubes in my Primaluna Dialogue II integrated amp. I am torn between Telefunken 12AX7 smooth plate ($225. pr) OR Mazda 12AX7 Chrome plate cryo treated ($235. pr). I am using Telefunken 12AU7 smooth plate in the driver stage and Bendix 5992 military grade in the output stage. I am hooked up to Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors in my 14 x 20 room. I listen to jazz, classic rock, Sinatra, Armstrong, female voice, Dead Can Dance, Pink Floyd, . . . you get the picture. Not into classical orchestra. Sorry. So, the cost is about the same. I like a detailed sound stage with air and a sharp kick drum. I want to see the instruments and touch the vocalists. What would you suggest that I buy? Thank you.

Showing 1 response by blindjim

I've noticed some traits in various tube line ups. I'm also suprised to see Mazda tubes from not that long ago demanding such prices.

Given my Exp, if those are the ONLY choices, I'd opt for the Mazdas. IMHO, they ain't the thriller killer diller tubes some call 'em, but they are nice sounding, and balanced across the bandwidth. My exp with the Mazdas and Teles were in the 6922 classes... USA and European, respectively.

If you're looking to amp up the presentations impact and resolution, seek out some Amperex replacements. heart body and soul. Amperex present it all. I use a mix myself though.. RCA and Amperex. I lean towards Tunsol too. I've lived happily for a while now with those 3 brands much of the time. Mazdas were similar to the RCA... nice. Balanced. Smooth. Decent little tubes. Reliable too.

I've found the vendor as, if not more, important than the proposed tubes.

Good luck.