Tubes-Suffer for Sound CD??????

I'm a fan of the Tubes and have come across a copy of their unreleased CD "Suffer for Sound" so here is my question; the listing says it is from 1998, now in all due honesty it should be a bootleg copy but, this is the very first time I have ever seen a copy (let alone a CD) so, I have contacted the owner about specifics of issuing company and Cat#. Being the fan that I am, would it be worth purchasing if it pans out, I'd hate to miss it, as it is as I've never gotten my hands on their now oop CD "Premium Gold Collection"??? Thanks for you opinion in advance.

Showing 1 response by reubent


Sorry, can't comment on the CD, but I did have a question for you as you said you are a big fan of The Tubes.

Have you seen The Tubes play live recently? They still travel to Ohio annually in November for a show and I been considering going. I've seen them a couple of times in 1979 and 1994ish. Both were fun shows with the '79 show being at the top of their game and the '94 showing being a comeback tour (traveling in a Ryder rental truck vs. a huge tour-bus and semi-trucks).

I'm curious to know how the show has held up as the members have aged. Feedback anyone?