Tubes or Sand for Totem Arro under 1k?

I'm building an office system around the Arros and need an amp that will make them sing at low volumes. The volume must be kept low as I'm on the phone most of the day in my 12x15 office. I love tubes, but am concerned about heat. How about Audio Analog Puccini? Pathos Classic original?

Your thoughts are appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by douglikesaudio

Michael and Rick, thanks for your responses. The tube amp I am considering is the Jolida 202b--your experience helps with my decision. A Classe int was paired with the Arro in TAS awhile ago in a systems issue. I may check into that more. Rick, how does the Classe sound at very low levels? Again, I truly appreciate your help.

Has anyone tried the Arro with Audio Analogue Puccini of Pathos classic?
Haven't tried mass loading for the same reason as Jh2os. I like the soundstage wide and the sound lively. Seems a light but rigid cabinet does these things well!

As for my amp, I ended up with an ASL Orchid. 3.5 watts of low volume musical bliss.
