Tubes from Russia block

What is your experience of using all those NOS tubes from the Russian block, especially those which are supposed to be military grade ones?

I always test the tubes I received using my calibrated tube tester. I am finding out many unpleasant surprises.

I got them from eBay and even U.S. internet stores (some are supposed to be reputable). They are hit or miss. More than 1/2 of them have short, DOA, completely different looking labels, poor matching, or just too noisy to be of any practical value. I am not sure if it's just my luck (or lack of).

If you happen to use those tubes, would you please share where you buy them from?

Showing 2 responses by schubert

Czarivey,I guess if you forget about Joe from Georgia and Nicky 2 there might be some reality in there somewhere .