Tubes for VTL ST-150

The standard 6550EH power tubes for the VTL amp are hard to find these days.  Can other types of 6550's be used safely in this amp?

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 Gold Lion KT88 appears to be the consensus of owners. Upscale has 6550EH.

My used Cayin A-88T came with 6550’s.I switched from 6550’s to KT88’s, prefer the KT88’s.


Note: Bias. IF you change tubes, it is recommended to adjust the bias. My amp sounded better with KT88’s, without adjusting bias.

My MK1 version of that amp has internal bias adjusters, amps with exterior bias adjusters and even bias meters are much easier.

Your amp features says individual bias adjustments for each tube.


I had mine adjusted, sounded the same, before and after. (it is possible it had originally been biased for KT88’s, and seller just put 6550’s in without adjusting bias). Part of why KT88’s sounded better.

Thanks for the posts.  I did verify that Upscale does have the EH type along with a few others.

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