Tubes for Top, SS for Bottom--Good Idea?

Ok, now I want the straight dope. Lots of people talk about the benefits of vertical biamping over horizontal, especially when two amps are involved. Of course, I'd prefer two Krell monoblocks per side if I could afford it. However, I can't and I've got two solid (perreaux 2150B) and one tube (Dyna St-70). Will my system sound better or worse if I use the dyna for the highs, Perreaux for the lows? If better, then how do I go about this?

Showing 1 response by alruhl

Yes, it can be a great way to combine the best of both worlds. I had done it for 4 years using Counterpoint equip, Solid-2 on the bottom, NP400 on the top (Hybrid). You need to be very careful when using 2 different amps because they may have different Gains and Power curves. Ie. How much power does it supply for the same amount of "volume control level". If the amp on top has a higher gain, you will have an extremely bright top end and no bass. Of course, vice versa for the other way around.