Tubes for Mcintosh MR71

I've got a McIntosh MR71 tuner that I’ve done some tube rolling on but I have not been very pleased with the results. What I think are new tubes are resulting in increased background noise and poorer selectivity. I don’t have a tube tester so I can’t check tubes to confirm they are “new”. I am about to get the tuner aligned and want to use the best tubes I can since my understanding is the tubes effect the alignment (with the obvious exception of the audio tubes). Has anyone found what they think are the best tubes for use in this tuner?

Showing 1 response by sc53

When I had my MR-67 tuner aligned at Audio Classics, I sent them all the spare tubes I had for the tuner and let them decide which were the best. I learned that the tuner is aligned for the tubes in the tuner at the time, so once your tuner is aligned, I wouldn't recommend tube rolling. Your alignment shop should be able to test the tubes you have and pick the best ones.