Tubes for CJ EV-1 phono pre

My second set of tubes from CJ has finally expired, so I'm looking for suggestions and opinions on replacing the tubes for my CJ EV-1 phono pre. Tubes from CJ's stock sound just fine, but I'm not experienced at tube rolling, so should I order from CJ again as they recommend, or take a chance and seek else where? If you have tried tubes other then from CJ's stock on your CJ gear then please fill me in on your experience... I'd love to hear about it.

Showing 3 responses by gslone

Thanks again Mechans, I've been wanting to talk with Upscale Audio for some time. Thanks Drrsutliff, I will check out Vintage Tube Services, too.
Thanks Mechans. The tubes that are in it are:

two 12AX7's
one 5751
one 12AU7

Paying a premium is fine. Where are some good places to buy Old Stock tubes? ..Any recommendations?