Tubes for Cary SLA70 Signature

I have to retube my Cary SLA70 Signature and I need your suggest and recomendations.
6550, KT88 or KT90 ?
I contact some tubes distributors and they gave me many recomendations:
Tesla KT88
Tungsol 6550
Electro Harmonix KT88 and KT90
Svetlana or SED KT88
Plese let me know your experience and suggest.

Showing 1 response by itsusnatmi

I have an SLA 70b Signature driving a pair of Legacy Classics. My favorite combo so far is SED KT88, Mullard GZ37, and RCA red base 6SL7. Beautiful mid range and solid bass. The highs are extended, very pleasing. Just remember, 'Tube Rolling' is half the fun. Thanks, Patrick