Tubes for B&W 803 good?

Just toying with the idea of using a tube pre-amp and Rotel 1080 or 1090 amp for my 803's

Do tubes work well with B&W speakers? Anybody with the same set-up care to share their experiences?

And... what brands would be good for such a set-up
If you're talking about the Nautilus 803's, make sure you get an
amp with enough power to drive them. I think Plinius and Classe'
amps work well with B & W because they are warm enough to tame the high end, which can be fatiguing with B & W speakers.
I would shy away from tubes with B & W because they tend to
be inefficient and hard to drive. But, with the right amp, the N803's
can sound great. I heard them with a Plinius SA 250Mark IV and
they sounded great. I don't think the Rotel would do them justice.
Just my opinion.
Tony - may i know what your solid state amp is?

Yes I am talking about B&W nautilus 803's.

I will also be using them for HT movies so I need to route another pre/pro to the tube pre-amp right?
Do you want to have separate pre/pro's for two channel [Music] and multi-channel [Home Theatre] listening?
Ideally I want the same pre/pro for both but if I go tube then i will be separate. No choice he he