Tubes for Audible Illusions Modulus 3A?

I have an AI M3A from around 1995 that seems to eat tubes on a regular basis. I got it used in an A-Gon purchase,it had stock Sovtek tubes,which were clearly past their prime. I've since tried some Electro-Harmonix 6922's,which developed noise very quickly,some Golden Dragon 6DJ8's which lasted a bit longer,but now one is hissing away in the left channel. Should I bite the bullet and pay AI's ridiculous price of 35.00 per tube,or has anyone had good experiences with alternatives for less money? Thanks. Bob LaBarca

Showing 1 response by bigtee

I have had numerous AI products over the years and never had any trouble using AI's recommended tubes. They have always performed well and held up just fine.
You can also contact Kevin Deal at Upscale audio. The Russian type II and III tubes work well along with the "Rocket" tubes. You can read about these at His website gives the price and description.