Tubes Do It -- Transistors Don't.

I never thought transistor amps could hold a candle to tube amps. They just never seem to get the "wholeness of the sound of an instrument" quite right. SS doesn't allow an instrument (brass, especially) to "bloom" out in the air, forming a real body of an instrument. Rather, it sounds like a facsimile; a somewhat truncated, stripped version of the real thing. Kind of like taking 3D down to 2-1/2D.

I also hear differences in the actual space the instruments are playing in. With tubes, the space appears continuous, with each instrument occupying a believable part in that space. With SS, the space seems segmented, darker, and less continuous, with instruments somewhat disconnected from each other, almost as if they were panned in with a mixer. I won't claim this to be an accurate description, but I find it hard to describe these phenomena.

There is also the issue of interest -- SS doesn't excite me or maintain my interest. It sounds boring. Something is missing.

Yet, a tube friend of mine recently heard a Pass X-350 amp and thought it sounded great, and better in many ways than his Mac MC-2000 on his Nautilus 800 Signatures. I was shocked to hear this from him. I wasn't present for this comparison, and the Pass is now back at the dealer.

Tubes vs. SS is an endless debate, as has been seen in these forums. I haven't had any of the top solid state choices in my system, so I can't say how they fare compared to tubes. The best SS amp I had was a McCormack DNA-1 Rev. A, but it still didn't sound like my tube amps, VT-100 Mk II & Cary V-12.

Have any of you have tried SS amps that provided these qualities I describe in tubes? Or, did you also find that you couldn't get these qualities from a SS amp?

Showing 2 responses by drubin

I own both solid state and tube pre-amps and amps (Placette and First Sound, Pass and CJ). As with many things in life, I can’t decide which I prefer, so I switch off—a month or two with one, then the other. When I make a switch, I’m usually glad I did and wonder what took me so long.

On balance, however, I tend to prefer solid state. For all of the strengths of tubes—the body, the bloom, the emotional connection, and the other qualities, which many of you have articulated so well--most of the time when I’m listening to tubes I am craving greater clarity. Tube amps, particularly at lower listening volumes, tend to sound too “soft” to me, as if I am listening with a pillow over my head.

I am obsessed with the sound of cymbals. If I put on a jazz z recording, regardless of how great the piano or sax or kick drum may sound, if the cymbals don’t have what I believe is correct bite and aliveness, then I can’t be happy. Solid state seems to deliver these qualities more consistently, whereas tubes (my tube amps, anyway) seem rolled. I wish I would not fixate on this so much, but there you are.

However, I’ve come to feel that listening level is a huge variable in all of this and, further, it is too widely ignored by reviewers and audiophiles alike. A story: I was in a dealer’s many years ago listening to one of the original Hales loudspeakers. I remember thinking it sounded awfully dull, like an old Advent or AR speaker. Later, someone else came in to hear the Hales, put on an opera selection and cranked it way up. I was floored! It sounded so much like the real thing! But I rarely listen that loud. I knew then that the Hales were a very good speaker and also that they were not for me.

I tend to listen at low volume, where detail and clarity serve to help the illusion of music. At higher volumes, these may become less important. Most systems are demonstrated at high volumes. At HE 2002, for example, many, many rooms were louder than I normally listen (and many were just too loud, period). (Most also sounded too bright to me, so I don’t think I generally prefer a bright sound.)

A system that sounds good to me at high volume (even lifelike volume) may not be a good choice for me because it may not deliver the goods at the lower levels I typically prefer. If I’ve got the tube amps in my system and I crank it up, the cymbals sound right and the music sounds real, more real than with solid state. But at lower volume…

I would like to see reviewers be more diligent about addressing performance at different listening levels, particularly for speakers and amplifiers.


I'd like to toss out my own empirical tale for comment. I have a Placette pre-amp with a headphone jack. I have both a CJ tube amp and a Pass X-150 SS amp. The CJ does some wonderful things and, in some important respects, sounds more lifelike than the Pass (which, by the way, has never sounded particularly tubelike to me).

Now, back to the headphones. Which amp, playing though my speakers, sounds more like the headphones coming off the Placette? It's the Pass, no doubt about it.

Measurements, be damned, what is a rational person to conclude from this? I conclude that the Pass passes the signal with greater fidelity and the CJ with less fidelity. The end result with the CJ may be more effective musically, but this must be the result of adding something that isn't there or otherwise altering the signal, must it not? Is there another conclusion?
