Tubes becoming hard to get?

An article in today’s WSJ talks about tubes for both guitar amps and stereo gear becoming scarce due to Far East and Ukraine/Russian tensions saying most tubes originate from China, Slovakia, & Russia.  As such, people are beginning to Hoard and retailers are beginning to limit purchases. 



Showing 5 responses by jerryg123

Well I have a great stock of KT170, KT150’s, KT120,s and KT88 and I bought them all before one bomb fell on Ukraine.

With family in Ukraine and knowing of the build up on the border I placed my orders so I would not be a victim of the hoarders. We also severed our joint ventures in Russia before the bullets flew.

We got our family out with exception of the men in the family that stayed to fight.

I am only using my AH X200 on the weekends and I am conserving tubes. I have a very nice Heed Elixir I run during the week.

So most of the wife’s family is safe and we have been back to help with humanitarian efforts in Hungary and Poland. Yes they have Russian tubes there for now.



@lowrider57 ​​​​@ghdprentice thank you. 
I do think that the folks at upscale are doing the right thing. We call it throttling or allocation. 

this way it weeds the bogart hoarders out.


This will pass and mot of the tube companies are US owned.

May head back to help in July. Such great people.



I have SS and Tubes and tubes win every time.

I will pay extra as I can afford it.

I also have a 30 year supply of tubes. 

Auctions are wonderful. 

Simple - solid state is the way to go. No hassle, heat, turning on and off, worrying about tubes replacement, lots of power, etc.....You can get just as good SQ - it's not a technology issue, it is a design issue. If the SS design is good, it will sound just as good as a tube amp. They can last decades if treated right.