Try Andy @ Vintage Tube Services. His phone number is on his web He should be able to give you the history of pinched waist tubes. He told me that it was a further attempt by some vacuum tube manufacturers to reduce microphonics. A roller was used on the glass to give it the pinched look and they were only manufactured for a few years. I think that if you can find any, they will be outragously priced. Andy told me that he has only run across one pinched waist tube. As far as 7308 tubes go... I've been told that they were an attempt by manufacturers to make a hardier tube than the 6922. I run 7308 Amperex white label/shield tubes in my preamp. I like their sound, but I haven't done that much tube rolling. I believe that they are a tougher, longer lasting tube. Andy should be able to give you a seasoned opinion of 7308's as well. When it comes to knowledge, he's the man! Good luck! Stan