TUBES 6922 pinched waist

Has anybody heard them? Are they worth the big bucks?

Showing 7 responses by gellis1

I am not interested in orange globes.My question is are the White lettered pinched waist Amperex worth Tracking Down.I have the Pathos Logo,tube pre and solid state power.
Tvad,I have been to that site and thats what turn me on to the pinched waist tube.He says the pinched waist is Yeow! My reference tube.He goes on to say the shape of the tube helps reduce microphonics,quite the contrary to some of the post.Are the chances of a pinched waist tube being microphonic any greater then a 6922 PQ?
Do you know of a reputable tube seller that will sell pinched waist tubes to anybody.Some do not sell to you unless you buy their gear.
Talon4,When you say shield are you talking about the shield around the PQ on the outside of the glass?
Talon4,Thanks for explaining the sheild.I have only 2 tubes in my pre they are seimens CCa type.They sound great. With only 2 I can play with different tubes.I just tried some Amperex 6dj8 Bugle Boys white lettering.They lacked bass and were harsh in the highs.I hope the PQs are better.
What does the falcon mean on the Seimens, Does it tell you the age or quality of the tube? It looks like the letter H in the middle of an S Does it mean they are Halskes?