Tube Watts Vs. Soild-State Watts?

I am considering replacing a large solid-state amplifier with a decent sized tube amp, and was wondering what I may be giving up/gaining by making the change? My speakers are quite sensitive, about 98dB. I love the dynamics and bass control the big SS amp provides, but I would like to get more resolution and detail out of my music. I don't play music at loud volumes, but I do enjoy decent listening levels. Any info appreciated.

Showing 1 response by hauxon

I’ve nothing new to add to the discussion. I try to see it simplified.

1. You need you solid state amp to not distort. That’s why you should buy as powerful amp as can. Unless you don’t listen very loud.

2. You don’t need as much power from you tube amp since it sounds nicer when distorted. As always more power is good since distortion is bad.

3. If both (good quality) amps are run within their limits they will sound very similar.

And with that in mind I chose a powerful solid state amp for my system. Mostly because high power tube amps are really expensive. ...but an 80wpc tube amp would easily drive my system for 99% of my listening. :)