agree that lesser tube gear often pleases, especially in the case of those coming from similar priced solid state, which exhibits classic ss harshness and lack of dimensionality - but this pleasing nature comes at the expense of speed and clarity
let’s diaggregate a little
lesser/older tube gear provides
- rolled off treble
- little to no deep bass, poor bass damping
- enriched/expanded midrange and midbass
- lower sense of drive and rhythm and attack when needed
- improved imaging and sense of natural ’decay’ on notes (think piano natural reverb)
- reduced sense of grain and grit in treble and mids (pleasant smoothing effect)
better/top tier tube gear provides
- extended ’hear through’ treble but not forward like all but the best solid state
- very good deep bass with still a somewhat enriched midbass
- somewhat but perhaps less bloomy midrange (than lower tube gear)
- excellent sense of slam and prat (if still a touch less than the best solid state)
- outstanding expanded, ’holographic’ imaging, natural attack and decay of notes, excellent cohesion top to bottom
- clarity without any traces of electronic artifacts
hope this helps those progressing on the experience curve