Tube vs Solid State - Comparable Output?

I know this is a terribly general question -- and maybe off the wall -- but is there any difference in a tube versus a solid state amplifiers' with comparable power ratings ability to generate high current? This relates to amp selection for current hungry low impedance speakers. Is 200w the same whether its created by tube or solid state? Someone recently told me that a 100w tube amp (Audio Research) was comparable to a 200w solid state amp in this regard. True or no? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by phill_06896

Don't use a tube amp on a speaker of low impedance, PERIOD. Neither the amp, nor the speaker will sound the way it should. I know some tube amps that appear to drive 4 ohm speakers well...until you listen to them on a speaker with an 8 ohm or higher impedance. Your friend sounds like an idiot.