Tube tester recommendations

Just getting into tubes what should I have? Thanks for your help.

Showing 3 responses by rodman99999

That Amplitrex unit actually tests at full voltage levels, which gives me much more confidence in a diagnostic than partial voltages. I like the digital mutual conductance readout too. The Hickok tube testers have always been highly regarded, and very accurate.
Samhar- The Amperex tubes(whatever family) are always a reliable choice. If you enjoy focus, dynamics, ambience retrieval, grainless highs, transparency and extension in both directions w/o bloat or sibilance: try the upper-crust of the Siemens 6922 family(7308/E188CC or CCa's). If the recorded material is warm, they will let it through, but will not add anything of their own. It's hard to exceed their performance(I've tried). They're pricey, but worth every penny if you really love your music. Happy listening!!
An excellent choice: (