Tube stereo sounds -smaller- after being on

Ok here is a weird one. I’ve been into tube audio for the last 20 years or so and I have one system I leave as is and one system I mess around with and change things out. For the most part, these days, I’m happy with both. Except I’ve been noticing something I thought I was imagining. Which is my experimental system starts out sounding great and after being on for a couple of hours sounds worse. Small soundstage, compressed highs and lows. Just over all enh. I have two turntables -

Gates and an EMT 930. The mixer is a great sounding one hand built in Austrailia called a Condesa Lucia. The amp is a Line Magnetics 2a3 amp LM 217. The cartridges are an EMT and a Denon 102. The tt preamps are by sun valley and auditorium 23. The one thing I can think of is the amp is a 220 version and goes through a power converter. Perhaps this is a sonic wrecker when it gets hot. Any other ideas? Thank you. 


Showing 3 responses by mijostyn

First you have to figure out which piece of equipment is causing the problem. Fortunately you have two systems. You take each piece of equipment in the bad system, one at a time, over to the good system. When the problem tracks to the good system you have narrowed down to one piece. Then you can change tubes etc. and ID the exact problem. I would start with the amp.

@yaluaka , potentiometers are the death of high fidelity. Get rid of that awful device. It does not belong in a high fidelity system. I am not even sure what kind of system it belongs in!

@yaluaka , I'm all for tone controls, digital EQ to be specific. That piece of equipment does not belong in a home HiFi system. You are obviously enamored by old stuff and perhaps old commercial stuff. Technology moves on. 

I am not the only one who thinks this way. I am just more vocal about it. I am all about the most accurate sound. I am afraid the equipment you have is not going to get you there or even remotely close. You are entitled to be all about whatever it is you are looking for so don't listen to me. I am the resident  PITA.