Tube rolling on Modwright Sony 5400ES

I would like to replaced the stock 6SN7W tubes with Sylvania JAN-CHS-6SN7W tall bottle. Any difference in the metal base(6SN7 A L 4 stamped on top of tube), and the black base(6SN7 W B 5 stamped on top of tube)?

Showing 1 response by rfogel8

I have a pristine pair of the "nickel" base Sylvania's which I've used in my Modwright 5400 as well as a couple different pieces of Atma-Sphere gear. Too my ears, they're OK but not worth the money some are demanding for them. I have a couple pairs of the black base version and they sound pretty much the same.

If you've got the budget for the old nickel base Sylvania's, I'd stretch it a bit and look for a pair of the old black glass Tungsols. I have a couple pairs of them and out of my collection of around 60 NOS 6SN7's, they're definitely my favorite, by a wide margin.