Tube Rolling | Luxman CL-38uc

Hey guys!

Was wondering if I could get your advise about tube rolling on a Luxman CL-38uc.

I’m trying to avoid having to change all Tubes (I want to change them for NOS Tubes).

Since I won’t be using Phono or Tone Controls.
I will just be using the Balance Line In and Line 1/2 Out.

From what I can tell from the schematic (see below) I only would need to change the ones enclosed in green.

Here are the schematics for the CL-38uc Pre-Amp per Luxman:



My questions

- Is my assumption accurate? Or do I need to change other ones?

- Can I use other type of tubes in place of the 12AU/ECC82?
For example I have plenty of ECC83s/12AX7 If so, is there any precautions I need to be aware of?

Any help is appreciated,



Showing 2 responses by jjss49

my 2 cents

i don’t have this particular luxman pre... so this is from general knowledge and a lifetime of tube rolling

12au7 and 12ax7 are usually NOT interchangeable... vastly different gain characteristics (that is why those three tube types were designed and made in the past, despite the common 12v heater dual triode small envelope designs -- 12au7 vs 12at7 vs 12ax7 - very different gain profiles from one to the other -- 1x 3x 5x gain, thus applicable for different circuits) can bet that putting in a 12ax7 with 5x the gain of a 12au7 in your nice luxman will create problems

you would need to contact luxman, or a knowledgeable dealer or tech to confirm specifically which three 12au7 slots are for main amplification, not tone control buffering circuitry (what is drawn on the circuit diagram is idealized, the actual circuit board may not be laid out in exactly the same fashion)... you CAN safely swap in different 12au7 tubes in those 5 positions, but without knowing for sure, you won’t be able to assess what you are hearing in the attempt to tube roll

here is a fairly complete discussion and listing of 12au7 equivalents (these are different names for the same tube, from different parts of the world, or very very similar variants made over time i.e. improved ruggedness etc etc - with identical or very similar gain profiles) - you would be well served to read it carefully and completely


well done @acefactory -- here is a pic to accompany your excellent description

so the tubes op wants to roll are three of the four middle ones (leaving aside the one single middle one with the white spring loaded tube damper/cage)