tube rolling

Here's my question? I'm wanting to change tubes in my phono preamp(ARC PH-3SE) Currently running 6h23n Russian tubes.
Looking to switch to either tesla E88cc/6922 saber logo or tungram E88cc(Hungarian) tubes.
Has anyone had experience with either tube? Would either be an upgrade from my current tubes?

Showing 4 responses by eee3

Jsman, what is the website address for vintage tube srevices
I typed in the way you have it written but it came up error.
I also typed in Andy's Vintage Tube Services and it still came up error/ site does not exist.
Newbee, thanks for your response. I just want to ask a couple of questions? First what do you mean when you say rugged? and are you a saying that the tesla's are not quiet or not as quiet as the 6h23's?
Some have said that the tesla's are similar to the siemens which are considered to be quiet.
Just wondering...

Thanks for your responses.
Newbee, Have you heard of a company called Tubemonger?
I ran across their information while googling and was wondering how reputable they are?

Thanks again for youe responses.