Tube Replacement Advice

Simple questions for the techies:

If I wanted top-end tubes for my amp what replacements should I look for for the following:


Brand and number would be cool. Just looking to maximize a Manley Stingray.



Showing 2 responses by albertporter

For the EL84, this tube is also 6BQ6 and 7320. Best ever is the Telefunken if you can find them. Then a three way tie with Siemens, Dutch Amperex and Mullard.

For USA 6BQ6, late 1950’s RCA black plates are excellent and likely one third the price of Telefunken's.

The 6414, I have no personal experience with these but have heard that the old Raytheon is a good tube, much better than currently manufactured stocks.

The 12AT-7 is easy, Telefunken. If you cannot find Telefunken, the Amperex 7316 is excellent with great dynamics and (usually) very quiet. Good luck with your tube rolling.
William you are correct. I was looking at a zip lock bag of replacement tubes and the 12 AT and 12 AU were together, remnants of my days with Atma-Sphere.

The 7316 is a replacement for the 12 AU and works wonderfully in the older driver circuit of the MA 2.