Tube recommendation for Audio Research LS-2b?

Should I stick with the OEM Sovtek 6922s? Or is there something else I should consider? TIA
I had an LS 2b. Have a LS 5b as a backup pre

You really need warm tubes for the LS2

nos telefunkens,mullards and amperex from the sixties worked like a charm for me
I own also a ls22 and i measured that my EI ecc88 have a fillament
current togheter of 1.6A[incl.relay circuit].that is already to high for 1.5A max.LM317!For example a 7308 have more current than that.
I had the LS2 a number of years ago, and it definitely needed the warmth and slightly softened highs provided by Amperex Bugle Boys. The BB tubes were also very dynamic. In contrast the tubes I bought from ARC, a Chinese 6DJ8 and a Sovtek 6922, were coarse, grainy and lacking in refinement.
I have an LS2B-MKII and have compared the stock Sovtek 6922 with an Amperex 7803 (PQ/Orange). The Amperex was much more detailed but added a slight sibilance. I'm not sure if the tube was the issue or whether the preamp needed a bias adjustment. (the seller said the tube was NOS and tested well).