Tube question

I've never owned a tube amp or pre-amp before and I have some questions about them for those of you who have them.

Do tubes typically run hotter than solid state?

How often do you need to replace the tubes? And how much do good tubes cost?


Showing 1 response by angela100

During the charity auctions, I bought a tube tester, A Hickok 6000A for about $250. We ran all of our tubes this past weekend and were really amazed at what we found. An entire eBAY shipment of crap, the tubes in the preamp - 1/2 were ready to be swapped out - they were in there about 6 months with 10-20 hours/week play. The answer? It depends.... We have tube amps, tube preamp and our CD player has a tube on the output stage, so a tester is a worthwhile investment.
Tubes are a wild animal, if you are into noodling around and wanting to really spend some time in this, tubes are a wonderful way to go and explore. We love the learning, the tweaking, the noodling around. If you want a system to sound the same, just like you like it, with little to no fuss, then stay away from tubes. This is just my opinion.
Best of luck !