Tube preamp with SS amps and Emerald Physics cs2?

I have read that solid state power amps (such as the Wyred4Sound amps) work well with these speakers. How would a high quality tubed preamp (say Shindo or Leben) sound with such a set-up? Would it match well and give the anticipated benefits of the preamp (shindo) sound, or would it be a poor match and a mask the quality of the preamp? In other words, would it let a high-quality tubed preamp shine fully? (Don't know too much about how DSP and/or solid state power amps would affect the sound.) Thanks.

Showing 1 response by glory

Walter told me at RMAF that the speakers DO NOT like tube amps.

The CS1 is a much better speaker and worth seeking out.

I am not a SS guy but I have to admit the sound coming from this setup with the amps and speakers held me in the room.