Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?


I’ve seen some folks using Tube Preamps with Solid State Am ps. I’m thinking of doing that with my system as part of an incremental change. I currently have a Parasound P5 preamp with a Parasound A21 driving Klipsch Cornwall 4’s. Will a decent / good Tube Preamp really make a difference in my sound? I enjoy what I have now but really want to experience Tubes in my system. Thanks!
Thank you all for the reply! Sorry I was not trying to hijack the thread. I think I kinda misread this.
cheers to all! 
Amen to a SS amp and tube preamp.  To my ears, the reason for a tube preamp is its rounded sound seems more natural and the soundstage is deeper than I have found with all solid state.  As for the power amp, SS amps seem faster to me.  I have also owned all tube systems and hybrid amps, but the tube/SS combo seems most satisfying.  I first discovered this combo with an Audio Research Reference 3 preamp and a McIntosh MC150 power amp feeding Sonus Faber Cremona Ms--the most musical system I have ever owned.  Uncanny three dimensional imagery and a musically engaging presentation that was addictive.  I now have a Schitt Freya+ feeding a McIntosh MC122 and Tannoy Revolution XT8F speakers.  The Schitt does have some hiss at idle through the 91dB efficient Tannoys, but it is inaudible with music playing.  Otherwise the Freya+ is astounding: solid placement of instruments in three-dimensional space is downright startling at first; it has little "tube warmth" (maybe even too little?) though I'm after a more neutral sound.  Klipsch speakers are different animals than the speakers I've owned so I couldn't say what might be best, but trying the Schitt with their 15 day trial would certainly be worth the effort.  
 About 1 year ago I traded in my Parasound P5 on a Prima Luna Evo 400 preamp. Paired with my BHK 250 amp, the sound is fantastic. I run it balanced and it is dead silent. Great bass slam, a wider and deeper soundstage, and a very black background.  Plus it's built like a tank. Tube rolling is fun but can be expensive.  However, just changing the two front driver tubes will let you adjust the sound to your taste for not a lot of money.  I would definitely go with NOS tubes.  Just have fun whatever you do and always remember it's all about the music. 
Haven’t heard from the OP for awhile. Fairly safe to presume that the Parasound gear predated the 4th iteration of the Cornwall in your system. I am by no means knocking Parasound, as I think they manufacture well-engineered solid state gear for a fair price. While I think a tube preamp with solid state is a great combination for most systems, I am not sure it is for the Cornwall. Dick Olsher famously remarked that “the first watt is the most important watt”. You will likely listen to no more than 1 watt with that speaker in a small to medium sized room, so it better be a good one, or the other 249 in the case of the A21 are a waste.  Do yourself a favor and either use the A21 for a second system (driving an inexpensive inefficient bookshelf speaker perhaps), or sell/trade it. Get yourself a flea watt single ended DHT (2A3/300B/845) amp and find out what Olsher meant and what you’re missing. 
I’m running a Manley Shrimp with a McIntosh MC-352 and the sound is wide and open. To my ears sounded better than my Mac SS pre.  I have alway enjoyed a tubed pre and SS amps. I also run it through a Primaluna Dialogue HP tube amp. Those amps are wonderful sounding.