Tube preamp with Adcom amp

I have been wanting to use a tube preamp in my system but never had the chance to try one. I recently purchase an Adcom GFA-5500 with a Rotel RC-995 and to be honest, is sound good but I want to try something different. I am using the Vandersteen 2ci as my speakers. Due to my style of music, I have always been a SS guy. What would recommend for a tube preamp that will work with the 5500?

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Showing 1 response by mitchagain

The Music Room ( currently has 4 tube preamps for sale that are within your price range:

1) Audible Illusions = $1392

2/3) Conrad Johnson = $1299 & $1899

4) Modwright = $1551

The Music Room has a "buy it - try it" policy on used gear. If I was in your shoes, the Modwright would be my first choice (FWIW).