Tube preamp with Adcom amp

I have been wanting to use a tube preamp in my system but never had the chance to try one. I recently purchase an Adcom GFA-5500 with a Rotel RC-995 and to be honest, is sound good but I want to try something different. I am using the Vandersteen 2ci as my speakers. Due to my style of music, I have always been a SS guy. What would recommend for a tube preamp that will work with the 5500?

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Showing 2 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

I would check

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price: 500 min, 2,500 maximum (always see what is just above your budget)

next: features: remote control; balance; mono mode; tape loop for ____? tape or processor, they allow optional use of an equalizer if your space would benefit from it; out of the circuit, or tape monitor to hear the difference.

phono: MM stage? I would use a separate phono stage with optional loading for mc; you can always use a SUT into Preamp’s MM Phono stage (IF you like it). Inclusion, un-used, might help eventual resale.


when you find something you are close to buying: do a separate google search, often items for sale do not get on hifishark. Happened many times for me and my friends

No remote control for Vintage Tube Preamp?

I love my McIntosh Vintage Tube Preamp mx110z, however, I want remote control.

I use this Remote Line Controller, made by Chase


I have given a few to friends, a few have bought their own, I have 3 myself.

Friends visit, I play with it in, and with it out of syste. No one has ever heard any difference, thus you get all the features with no detriment.

Shop/Garage system: I use it for system power on, and it’s features via my Yamaha 1020’s adapter loop. In/out, zero difference. Primarily remote volume control while working, mute for phone call, talk to the wifey, ....

Main system: same thing, On/Off to my Furman power filter, then all components powered from Furman’s capacitors with 45 amp reserve. Remote volume, balance. It has 4 line in, I use the McIntosh for source selection, just the Chase in/out a tape loop/monitor.

Once you have remote balance in a system with great imaging, you realize how many tracks benefit from a slight balance tweak. not just centering vocalist, but all instruments distinction is improved.

It also has built-in automatic/progressive Fletcher Munson ’loudness’ (progressive low volume bass boost). I don’t listen low volume, but if you do, a nice feature missing from modern equipment.

note: MUST have remote control for the Chase Unit: no controls on the unit.